- Greetings Everyone! What's the Special Announcement? Next week's Wednesday Night Net - Digital Net will be conducted on SIMPLEX C4FM on 146.535 MHz. WHY you ask?? Because we can and we haven't done this yet that's why. Let's try something different and see how it goes, isn't that part of what Ham radio encourages - experimentation. Apprehensive? Yup - as Net Control y'all hear me asking for relays on simplex each week so we may face similar. That is part of the fun - we DO NOT KNOW quite how well or not so well, this will work and that is why we try - and try in a non-emergent situation. Our FM Repeater net and 2M FM Simplex net will be conducted in the normal/usual manner complete with Trivia Question. With that: Our Wednesday Night Net(s) are January 26 at 7:30 pm local time. Please join with us on our repeater, 445.620 MHz with a standard negative offset and PL tone of 127.3 Hz on both transmit and receive and I am looking forward to hearing from you on our Repeater Net, 2M FM Simplex Net and Digital 2M Simplex 'Nightcap Net' for those so equipped. How did we do last week? Results below. 73, Howard KE6MAK HARC WEEKLY NET 01/19/2022 RPTR SMPX DIGITAL Operator Name X X KM6FP RICHARD X X X N6IET RICK X X WB6MMQ DALE X X X KN6CHP NUNE X X X N6MHD MIKE X X X K6PPNJ PHIL X X X KM6RWQ KEVIN X X KM6PFI JON X X X AB6UI BRIAN x WA6SET TOM X X KM6HVK BILL X X X KE6MAK HOWARD 12 REPEATER CHECK INS 11 SIMPLEX 2M CHECK INS 7 DIGITAL CHECK INS VIA REPEATER